It is a part of milk that is rich in fat and is usually separated from milk by creaming. If the creaming is done mechanically, the product may contain up to 65% fat. Types of cream are divided according to the amount of fat.
There are special standards in different countries, which are usually based on the percentage of fat. UK Food Standards Committee on Sterilized Cream Adding 0.2% Fixers such as: Allows sodium and potassium carbonate, citrates, orthophosphates, and chlorocalcium, provided they are labeled.
It is important to consider the wit ratio in terms of control. Because like what was said about milk, the ratio of lactose: Protein: Ash in dry matter is equal to 2: 9: 13, respectively.
Physical and chemical properties:
If we remove the milk fat completely, about 10% of the total milk is obtained, which has a specific gravity of 0.93. The fat droplets in it are on average 3 to 4 microns. Except for the fat content of this substance, which is higher than the percentage of milk fat, the rest of its ingredients are the same as milk ingredients.
Cream appearance features:
Its color should be white or cream white, it should have the natural taste and smell of fresh cream and it should be free of any unpleasant external smell and taste.
Pasteurized cream standard in Iran:
The following is part of the pasteurized cream standard provided by the Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research.
Definition of pasteurized cream: It is the part of milk that contains at least 18% of milk fat and is prepared according to the pasteurization standard.
Types of pasteurized cream are:
A) Sour cream: Its acidity is more than 0.2% lactic acid.
B) Thin cream: Contains 20 to 25% milk fat.
C) Concentrated cream: Contains 34% milk fat.
D) creamy: Contains at least 30% milk fat.
Types of cream:
This material has different types, which are:
- The special type of coffee contains at least 10% fat.
- In the semi-fat type, it is 10-18% fat (typically, the average fat is about 12%).
- The foaming type contains at least 30% fat (on average 35% fat). It is often used in a variety of sweets and cakes. This type is consumed after adding sugar and beating. Of course, it should be kept in a cool place before beating. The best results and the highest foam are obtained when this material is stored at a temperature of 4-6 degrees.
- High-fat or double-fat type that contains more than 45% fat. If this type is beaten for a long time, its fat will harden and eventually butter will be obtained.
- The sour type, which contains 20-30% fat, is a product made from the fermentation of pasteurized cream or UHT by lactic acid and is used in the preparation of some foods and sauces.
- Hard and clotted type that has 55-50% fat.
Cream is classified into two types, pasteurized and UHT.
- Type of pasteurization: Pasteurized by one of the known thermal methods in the dairy industry.
- UHT: Through the UHT process, sanitized and packaged in sterile conditions.
Determination of acidity:
In an Erlenmeyer pan, weigh 9 grams of cream. Add 9 ml of distilled water and add a few drops of phthalene phenol. At the end, we titrate with a normal gain of 0.1 until the appearance of a pale pink color.
Determining the amount of fat:
To determine the amount of fat, we must first dilute it to a ratio of 1 to 4 and multiply the final number read by four. Remove from the diluted cream with 11 bubble pipettes to the mark line and pour milk into a butyrometer. Then, with pipette 10, sulfuric acid (1 + 9) and with pipette 1, add 1 ml of anilic alcohol slowly from the wall to the diluted cream.
Dry the opening of the butyrometer and close it and gently turn it upside down. As a result of the reaction of the acid with the cream, butyrometer becomes very hot and burning. Once a uniform brown liquid is obtained, centrifuge at 5 ° C for 12 minutes at 1200 rpm. Finally, we read the separated fat according to the grading on the butyrometer.
Due to the fact that the material easily absorbs the flavors from external sources such as some packaging materials, so proper packaging containers is very important.