A comprehensive guide to the storage of medicines – practical and essential recommendations

In this section, we examine practical and essential recommendations for proper storage of medicines at home. We all come into contact with drugs in some way during our lives. Do you know how to store medicines properly to get the most out of their quality and performance? Following the comprehensive guide for drug storage prepared by the Vira team, you can apply practical and necessary recommendations in this field.


Follow the instructions on the medication packaging

One of the most important things for storing medicines is to follow the instructions on their packaging. Each medication package contains specific instructions that must be followed carefully. These instructions usually include storage temperature, humidity, expiration date, related warnings, and the drug should be kept away from direct light.

For example, some medications need to be refrigerated while others need to be stored in a cool, dry environment. Some medicines need to be protected from sunlight and should be kept in a dark box or package. Also, the expiration date of drugs is also critical and it is not recommended to use the drug after the expiration date.

In general, follow the instructions on the package to store medicines properly and maintain their quality. Each drug has specific needs and compliance with these needs can guarantee the effectiveness and safety of drug use.

Instructions important points
Store in the refrigerator Keep the medicines that need cold in the refrigerator and prevent them from heating.
Light protection Put the medicines in dark boxes and avoid contact with direct sunlight.
humidity Store medicines in a dry and cool environment and avoid high humidity.
Expiration date Avoid using and renewing expired medications.

A good place to store medicines

The right place to store medicines is among the things that have a direct impact on their quality and effectiveness. The best place to store medicine is a dry, cool place out of the reach of animals and children. Using refrigerators or locked cabinets is also a suitable option for medicines that require cold storage.


Also, according to the climatic conditions where you live, you should be careful in storing medicines. If the cold causes the medicines to freeze, it is better to use the storage boxes inside a bag or outer silk to protect them from moisture.

Also, make sure that medicines are stored in a place where access to them is restricted to unauthorized persons. Avoid placing medicines in places with high temperature or humidity, such as the bathroom or kitchen. Also, make sure the medications are stored away from direct sunlight.


The right place to store medicines:

  • Dry and cool place
  • Out of reach of animals and children
  • Using the refrigerator for medicines that require special capital
  • Use a bag or silk to protect against freezing and moisture
  • Protecting medicines from unauthorized access
  • Avoid placing medicines in places with high temperature or humidity
  • Protect medicines from direct sunlight
type of medicine Good storage place
Medications that require cold in the fridge
Oral medications In a dry and cool environment
Light-sensitive drugs Where they are protected from direct sunlight

The right temperature for storing medicines

Maintaining the right temperature for drug storage is very important. Incorrect temperature can change the properties and effectiveness of drugs. Therefore, the temperature must be carefully controlled to ensure the proper storage of medicines.

Effects of high temperature on drugs

High temperatures can have destructive effects on medicines. Some medicines are highly sensitive to temperature and if stored at a higher temperature, they may be damaged and lose their effectiveness. In general, high temperatures can change the chemical structure of drugs and reduce their quality and effectiveness.

Low temperature effects on drugs

Also, low temperatures can have destructive effects on medicines. Some medicines need to be stored at a temperature lower than room temperature, such as medicines that need to be kept in a refrigerator. If these medicines are stored at a higher temperature, problems such as spoilage or loss of effectiveness may occur.

proper temperature Storage at higher temperatures Storage at lower temperatures
Room temperature (15-25 degrees Celsius) It may cause chemical changes and reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It may cause the medicine to spoil or lose its effectiveness.
Refrigerator temperature (2-5 degrees Celsius) Storage at this temperature is suitable for many drugs and usually, their effectiveness is maintained for a long time. Medicines that need to be stored at lower temperatures may spoil or perish at room temperature.

Light and humidity

Keeping medicines in proper conditions that require controlled light and humidity, direct contact of medicines with light may change their properties and quality. Some medicines may be sensitive to light and their quality and effectiveness will decrease if they come into direct contact with light. Therefore, for optimal drug storage, they should be placed in a place where direct contact with light is avoided. It is usually helpful to use dark boxes and keep them in the inside or bright drawer of the drugstore.

In addition to light, humidity can also have many effects on medicines. High humidity can lead to fermentation and chemical change in medicines. To avoid this problem, medicines should be kept in dry and cool places. Also, the use of silica paste strips inside the packaging of medicines can absorb moisture and protect the medicines.

Therefore, to keep the medicine in optimal condition, you must choose a suitable place for light and humidity. If you have light-sensitive medications, you should store them in dark boxes and in a place where direct contact with light is avoided. Also, control the humidity in the storage environment and use silica strips inside the medicine packaging. In this way, you can protect the quality and effectiveness of medicines.

Contact with air and dust

The contact of medicines with air, and dust can directly have negative effects on their quality and effectiveness. Therefore, proper storage and preventing contact of medicines with air and dust is of particular importance. Some practical recommendations in this regard are:

  1. Keeping medicines in tight and suitable packaging with a suitable degree of protection on the packaging.
  2. Preventing air and dust from entering the drug packaging by using protective methods such as caps and protective silicones.
  3. Keeping medicines in a dust-free environment such as a closet or a special box that prevents them from entering.

By following these recommendations, you can prevent the contact of medicines with air, and dust and maintain the quality and effectiveness of medicines.

Advice: “Always remember that your medicines need a protected and clean environment. For example, avoid putting medications in a pocket or bag with other objects. Also, always keep the medication packaging tightly and follow the instructions on the package.”

tip Prevention method
Keep medicines in tight packaging Using suitable packaging and creating protection against air and dust
Use of caps and protective silicones Preventing air and dust from entering the drug packaging
Keeping medicines in a dust-free environment Using a protective cabinet or box to prevent contact with air and dust

Special recommendations for perishable drugs

Some medicines are very sensitive and if not stored properly, they may spoil quickly and their quality and effectiveness will decrease. For this category of drugs, there are specific recommendations that must be followed. Below are some of these recommendations:

  1. Storage in the refrigerator: Some medicines need to be stored in the refrigerator to protect them from the heat and humidity of the environment. Before putting medicines in the refrigerator, be sure to check the package label and make sure that the storage instructions are correct.
  2. Separate storage: Some drugs prevent contact with other drugs and chemicals. If a certain medicine has this recommendation, be sure to store it in a separate place to eliminate any interference in the medicinal ingredients.
  3. Under the supervision of a doctor: It is always better to consult your doctor and ask him/her about how to store certain medicines that you take. Your doctor will advise you on specific precautions for certain perishable medications.
  4. Expiration date: Perishable drugs usually have a shorter expiration date. Always check the expiration date of your medications and do not use expired medications.

By following these recommendations and careful storage, you can protect the quality and effectiveness of perishable medicines and make sure that you always keep your medicines in the best conditions.

medicine name type of medicine Special maintenance instructions
Medicine A Tablet Store in a refrigerator at 2-5 degrees Celsius
Medicine B Solution Store in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight
Medicine C drops Store at room temperature and away from light and moisture

Revision of the expiration date

Expiration date is one of the important factors in drug storage, and revising this date is very important. Every drug has an expiration date, which means the expiry of the validity period and the effectiveness of the drug. Taking the drug after the expiration date may cause side effects and incompatibilities. Therefore, regular review of the expiration date and use of expired drugs is not recommended. It is interesting to know that using Smart packaging technology which can be used for medicines that are sensitive to storage conditions, can cover the expiration date problems in this field to a good extent, and follow the health and storage conditions of these materials well and in real-time and inform the consumer.


If you want to store your medicines better and make sure that they are always effective and safe, pay attention to their conditions and expiration dates. For this purpose, you can pay attention to the following:

  1. Take care of the expiration date: If the expiration date of the medicines has passed, you should throw them away and stop using them. The expiration date is written on the medicine package and you must follow it carefully.
  2. Storage in the right environment: To increase the shelf life of medicines, store them in a dry and cool environment. Avoid placing medicines in hot and humid places because these conditions can change the properties and quality of the medicine.
  3. Periodic revision: To be sure of the expiration date, you can check the expiration date period of the drugs and replace the drugs whose expiration date is near with newer drugs.

By observing the expiration date and revising it regularly, you can enjoy safer and more effective medications.

tip Revision of the expiration date
Recommendations – Read and observe the expiration date of the medicines.
– Store medicines in a dry and cool environment.
– Regularly check and replace the expiration date of medicines.
– Avoid using expired medicines.

Medicines requiring refrigeration

A refrigerator is one of the vital tools in the storage of medicines that require cold. Many medicines require a temperature lower than room temperature for sensitivity and quality preservation. Therefore, proper refrigerator installation and maintenance are very important.

When a medication requires refrigeration, you must follow the instructions exactly. These instructions include the temperature required to store the drug, the light and humidity conditions, as well as the duration of the drug’s storage in the refrigerator. Following these instructions will help keep the medicine in good condition and prevent it from spoiling and reducing its effectiveness.

Also, when installing the refrigerator, pay attention to its location. The refrigerator should be placed in a place where you have easy access and not close to direct sunlight and heat sources such as stoves or radiators.


Key tips for installing a refrigerator Medication storage recommendations
Installing the refrigerator in a place where the temperature is lower than the room temperature. When storing medicines that require cold, it is very important to maintain the temperature and not expose the medicine to room temperature.
Make sure the refrigerator is not close to direct sunlight and heat sources. The storage environment for medicines that require cold should be cool and dry to keep the medicines in good condition.
Make sure that the refrigerator is placed in a place where you can easily access it. When installing the refrigerator, pay attention to its location and ensure easy access to medicines.

Additional training on medication storage

In this section, we will review additional training and more strategies you can take regarding medication storage. These trainings will be very useful to increase your knowledge and awareness about the proper storage of medicine. These trainings show the importance of maintaining the quality and effectiveness of drugs during the storage period and help you to provide the best conditions for the storage of your drugs.

One of the additional training related to drug storage is the proper use of drug packaging. It is best to always keep them in their original packaging and always read the instructions on the packaging before use. These instructions usually address storage conditions, proper temperature, light, humidity, and expiration date.

Expiry date of drugs

All medicines have an expiry date and it is not recommended to use them after that. Therefore, it is important to monitor the expiration date of your medications. One of the supplementary training related to maintenance is to revise the expiration date. Some medications can still be used after the expiration date, but it is recommended that if the medication is past its expiration date, throw it away and get a new replacement.

Medicines that need to be stored in the refrigerator

Some medicines need to be stored at a lower temperature, i.e. in the refrigerator. Additional training related to the storage of these drugs includes the correct installation and use of the refrigerator and set the appropriate temperature for the storage of cold drugs. Also, these tutorials include tips on taking medications on trips and long trips.

Additional training on drug storage Summary
Proper use of medication packaging Keep the original packaging and follow the instructions on it.
Revision of the expiration date Observe the expiration date of the medicine and throw it away if it expires.
Storing medicines that require refrigeration Install the refrigerator correctly and keep the medicines that need cold at the right temperature.


In this article, we have reviewed practical and essential recommendations for proper storage of medicines at home. Following the instructions on the packaging of medicines is one of the important measures that you should pay attention to. Also, choosing the right place to store the medicine and maintain the temperature is very important. Factors such as light, humidity, air, and dust should also be considered in drug storage. For perishable drugs, there are specific recommendations that must be followed. Also, revision of the expiration date and proper storage of medicines that require cold should be done well. Finally, additional training can also help you with the proper storage of medications. By following these recommendations, you can store your medicines properly and ensure their quality and effectiveness.



A comprehensive guide to drug storage – what are practical and essential recommendations?

The comprehensive guide to medication storage includes practical and essential recommendations for proper medication storage at home. These recommendations will help you store your medications properly and maintain their quality and effectiveness.

Why is it important to follow the instructions on the medicine package?

One of the most important things for storing medicine is to follow the instructions on the packaging. These instructions include temperature, light, humidity, and other conditions that must be followed to keep the drugs in the best possible condition and maintain their quality.

How to choose the right place to store medicines?

Choosing the right place to store medicine is one of the things that has a direct impact on their quality and effectiveness. It is better to keep medicines in dry, cool places away from direct light. It is also very important to keep medicines out of the reach of children and animals.

What temperature is suitable for storing medicines?

Maintaining the right temperature for drug storage is one of the important things that should be considered. For many drugs, room temperature is the best option, between 20-25 degrees Celsius, but some drugs need to be stored at lower temperatures, such as 2-5 degrees Celsius. In any case, it is better to read the instructions on the medicine package and observe the proper temperature.

What effect do light and humidity have on medicines?

Light and humidity can have negative effects on medicines. Direct light can change the color and quality of medicines. Also, humidity can destroy medicines or change their properties. Therefore, it is better to put the medicines in dry places away from direct light.

How can we prevent the contact of medicines with air, and dust?

Contact of medicines with air, and dust can change their properties and quality. To avoid this problem, it is better to store medicines in tight packages and prevent them from coming in contact with air and dust. Also, air leakage devices and the use of protective packaging can help you.

Are there any special recommendations for perishable medications?

Yes, there are special recommendations for a group of drugs that are very sensitive and perishable. These medications should be kept at a lower temperature and may need to be refrigerated. It is better to read the instructions on the medicine package and strictly follow the instructions regarding their storage.

Why is it important to revise the expiration date?

It is very important to review the expiration date and its importance in the proper storage of the drug. The expiration date shows how long the medicine is good in terms of quality and effectiveness. Using expired medicines may cause serious problems for your health. Therefore, it is better to always check the expiration date of drugs and avoid any use of expired drugs.

How can we properly store medicines that require refrigeration?

For medicines that require refrigeration, you must observe proper storage. These drugs should be stored at a lower temperature and should not be affected by room temperature. Therefore, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator and avoid contact with other foods and drinks. Also, make sure that medicines that require refrigeration are properly sealed after opening and closing the packaging.

Is there additional training on medication storage?

Yes, there are additional training and strategies you can take when it comes to medication storage. These trainings include the use of protective packaging, compliance with special conditions for medicines and preventing medicines from coming into contact with different materials. It is better to be fully and comprehensively informed about drug storage and follow all instructions and solutions.

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